
New Sale-a-Bration Items Just Added today!  You can choose from even more free product at the $50 and $100 Levels.  The rules haven't changed, just the rewards.  You can still earn a free item for every $50 you spend from the January – April Mini Catalog and the Annual Catalog.

That's right!  You can shop from one or both of the current catalogs and once you've spent $50 you can choose a free item!

Check the graphic out below for all the new additions and if you'd like me to email this to you for a personal copy just let me know.

New Sale-a-Bration Items February 2024

I'm shocked that they are even including product from the January – April Catalog!  I guess that's how much Stampin' Up! appreciates your business.  As for me I have a special gift that will mail to you in March if you take advantage of the Sale-a-Bration promotion during February.

Thank you for stopping by today, please be sure to . . .