The new Memories and More product line from Stampin' Up! makes scrapbooking quick, easy and fun! Are you like me and there are a LOT of photos on your phone, on your computer and even stored in boxes from the “old days” before digital? I have decided that 2017 is going to be the year I start catching up. I'm not going to boldly profess that I will be “all caught up”, but I'm committed to scrapbooking the last three years in this new format. If you'd like to join my journey leave a comment and let me know.
Need to see more about Memories and More before you jump in with me? Here is a quick video from Stampin' Up! showing you how to use the cards, books and page protectors:
My first venture into this way of scrapbooking with be with Taryn's graduation. There I put it in writing. Now you can all hold me accountable. I will share what I do here, on Facebook and in my emails. If you're not connected with me everywhere use these links so you don't miss out!
Would you like to learn more – watch this video for more details. It's only 4:24 minutes. I can't even finish a cup of coffee in that amount of time.
I'm curious to hear what you think about these new products. And I'm hoping that a few of you will comment letting me know you're interested. Until tomorrow…
I’m very interested but can’t see where to order
If you are reading in an email you’ll need to go to my site to place your order. If you’re on the blog hit the ORDER NOW button near the top