2024 January mini catalog paper share

This Paper Share is Closed.

You can fill out the form below to be the first to know when the next share opens.

If you're on my email list you've heard about the upcoming paper share.  This post shares all the details and gives you a chance to get on the Interested List.

This next catalog only has eight new paper packs – making the Paper Share even more affordable.

With the catalog starting so quickly after the holidays and all the bustle of the holidays as I write this I'm trying to make this easier for you.  You can give me your email here and check off which share size you're interested in.  Then on December 28 I will send you a PayPal invoice that you can pay anytime before January 4 when the catalog begins.  Easy peezy!

Paper Share Details

Since there are only 8 patterns, this will be more affordable than ever! It's $49 for the 6″ share and $83 for the 12″ share with shipping included! The 12″ share is not only the best deal but also the most popular package.

NOTE:  USPS Priority Shipping is included in the price of your share.  Shares available only in the U.S.

The Fine Print:

  • All shares will ship priority mail
  • Each share will be packed in sealed plastic bags
  • Each style of paper is labeled with the name of the paper and the coordinating Stampin' Up! colors
  • Payment must be received on or before the 3rd of January, order will ship out by Jan 19, 2024
  • This offer is made exclusively from Linda Bartolucci
  • Orders will only be shipped in the United States
  • You will receive a tracking number when your order ships
  • If a pattern is not available, and won't be for a considerable time, a substitute will be made

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