2022 2023 Annual Catalog
2023 January April Catalog
2023 Sale-a-Bration Brochure

I'm so excited to finally share the inside of the New Mini Catalog and Sale-a-Bration Promotion!  Starting today you can browse these catalogs with the click of your mouse and order everything!  The New Mini Catalog has a host of new products that will work on special occasions and holidays usually paired with the early months in the year.

If you're new around here the Sale-a-Bration brochure contains only free items.  These items are yours to choose when your order reaches a certain dollar amount (before shipping and taxes).   This year the two levels for earning are $50 and $100.  Stampin' Up! chose select items detailed in the Sale-a-Bration brochure at each level.  If you have any questions about how this works reach out to me, I will be happy to explain it.

I will be sharing my favorites from the new catalogs next week.  Leave a comment below and let me know what your favorites are!

Reminder – my weekly email is out this week.  I have some pretty cool things to share – be sure you're on the list!

You can use this link to register for my emails.

Thank you for stopping by today, please be sure to . . .