
Happy Monday!  Today I'm sharing what I share every week.  We moved to Florida just about a year ago, built a house and are now settling into this new life.  I think I'm hitting my stride, so I'm ready to commit to what you can expect from me each week.  Of course I plan to share more than what I list here, but these are the things I'm committed to sharing with you.  By the way, if you haven't been hanging around here long you know I have more up my sleeve and this list will change – for the better – in the near future.

Monday Updates – my Monday blog post will always be an update about anything you need to be aware of regarding upcoming/ongoing sales, events or new content.  I will also throw in a personal update since it will have been a week and I'm confident something worthy of a story will occur.

Wednesday Workshop – every Wednesday we get together on Facebook and I share some projects with you.  These are new projects that I haven't shared anywhere else.  We have a great time and I love hearing what you think about the projects I'm making.  And yes, I offer a special to viewers every week so please tune-in or watch the replay – you won't be disappointed.  You can even RSVP to this Friday's workshop by clicking here.

12 Weeks of Christmas Tutorials – we are in the throws of this great series.  Tutorial Number Five will be sent to email subscribers inboxes at 1PM this Friday.   Be sure you are on the list so you don't miss out!  Subscribe here to start with Issue Five!

I'm looking forward to a busy and creative week.  Leave me a comment below and let me know what you'll be creating this week.

Have a great day!


p.s.  I almost forgot – the most wonderful thing that happened this week was that we celebrated my father-in-law's 94th birthday!  He has a strict no-putting-me-on-the-internet policy, but I can tell you that we had a fabulous Zoom including almost 20 family members from the across the county.

facebook Wednesday workshop
12 weeks of christmas

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