sunday swaps 2018 Holiday catalog

Today I hope you enjoy my Sunday Swaps from the 2018 Holiday Catalog.  I'm still in Chicago and it's a rainy dreary day.  Hoping yours is clear and sunny.   I do love that the temperatures have dropped and we can start pulling out the sweatshirts and long pants.

Below you will find some of my favorite swaps from my Holiday Catalog swaps.  Tomorrow starts and new month and a new year for Stampin Up.  I hope you are on my email list because I have some exciting announcements coming this week.  To double check just use this link.  You'll either be thanked for signing up or receive a message that you're all set.

Enjoy the swaps and leave a comment letting me know which one you like best.  The Chicken Wire that everyone loves is currently on backorder.  Feeling like that would be fun to mail to a random winner from the comments left below – what do you think?


Created by Jane A.

sunday swaps 2018 Holiday catalog

Creator unknown

sunday swaps 2018 Holiday catalog

Creator Jeannette S.

sunday swaps 2018 Holiday catalog

Creator Connie T.

sunday swaps 2018 Holiday catalog

Creator Kaylene M.