
Welcome to Week Two of my Six Weeks of Halloween.  Two quick notices here at the top of the post:

  1. Everyone on my email list will be getting a special Halloween Treat at 4pm ET tomorrow (10/3)
  2. Everyone on my email list will begin receiving my 12 Weeks of Christmas tutorials via email on Friday, October 6

If you'd like to be part of this and you're not getting emails from me be sure to fill out this form and get on board!

This cute treat box is half of the new Stampin' Up! Acetate Box.  You can fit many different treats in this box and adjust the paper topper to help make it fit.  This may be more than you want to give out to trick-or-treaters at your door, but they will be cute for fellow office workers, your mail person, hygienist, dentist, doctor or anyone else that is a big help in your life.

If reading this post in an email be sure to click here to view the video.

Supply Used
Punch Corner Project Life
Punch Corner Project Life

Lots of great announcements from Stampin' Up! for October.  Details from me tomorrow, but if you just can't wait – check out the specials here.