stampin scrub, stampin upThis fantastic rubber stamping tool is the cheapest washer and dryer (in one) you will ever purchase.  I was using mine a lot this week.  In addition, I was stamping with a lot of orange, red and pink inks.  That really gets the “wet” side inky.  I realized mine needed a wash so I thought I would share just how you do that.  It takes a little while to do it right, but it's worth it to have a super clean scrub.

If you are a rule follower then the dirties side has the rain drops in the corner because that is the side you've been spraying the Stampin' Mist on.  If you are a rebel and wet either side then you should follow these directions for both sides.

  1. Carefully pop out the scrub from its case.  There are a few small tabs holding it in place.
  2. Rinse the whole side with warm water.
  3. Let it sit flat in the sink for about 5 minutes soaking wet (just don't shake it out – I don't intent for you to leave it in a pan of water).
  4. Sit the scrub up on one side and rinse with warm water until the water runs clear.
  5. Turn the scrub on the other side and rinse again (you should find more color coming out again).
  6. Repeat these steps until the water runs clear no matter which way you're rinsing it.
  7. Stand up to let it dry.
  8. If you find that as the scrub is drying the water is very inky again you may want to repeat the rinse cycle above.
  9. Pop the scrub back in the case.


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