It was quite a week here.  We travelled all day Monday to get home from Chicago.  We arrived home to find out we had to return to NJ the next day for the wake of a dear friend.  

Wednesday Bruce went out of town and our high school put on their annual Underage Drinking Forum.  It's a great program and I am priviledged to work at it each year and bring this message to our freshmen and their parents.  Unfortuanatley, just about 30 minutes before the program started the woman in charge of the whole production received a call that her mother of 99 had passed.  Needless to say, the show went on, but all who worked behind the scenes did so with a heavy heart.  

Thursday I finally started to get back in the swing and found myself in quite the cleaning mood.  This was mostly due to the arrival of my new paper rack (pictured below).  

Friday I was way-layed again with a trip to the dealer for more maintenance and waiting than I anticipated.  Last night I participated in a wonderful vendor fair and made some great new connections.  

As I write this I am still knee deep in mess in both my office and craft room,but I plan to show you all sorts of good stuff tomorrow!  I promise they will be great new projects for you to copy and make your own this holiday season.

Here is the item that started all my cleaning ambition:


I can finally see all my 8 1/2 by 11 cardstock so I know what I have and what needs to be ordered.  What do you think?

Hope you are enjoying a great weekend!