You will LOVE all the new ribbons, papers and embellishments in the Spring Catalog!  Here is the basic information about the shares – scroll down the page for all the details!

Ribbon Share – $26.95

Paper Share – $15.45

Embellishment Share – $19.25

You can request one or more of any of the shares. As a BONUS if you decide you want all three the total would be $56.10 but you will only pay $50!

None of the shares include shipping. Please note I will add $5.40 for postage and handling. If you order multiple shares I will calculate your best Priority Mail price before sending your invoice.

If you want to skip the details and just fill out your request you can CLICK HERE.


Ribbon Share

 Image Product Name Share Quantity
FlowerTrim Flower Trim 18 inches
LaceTape Lace Tape 9 inches
PinkRibbon 1 1/4 inch-wide Two-Tone Ribbon
Pink Pirouette/Rose Red
15 inches
BlackGrayRibbon 1 1/4 inch-wide Two-Tone Ribbon
Basic Gray/Basic Black
15 inches
NaturalTrim Natural 7/16 inches-wide Trim Ribbon 15 inches
MarinaMistRibbon 3/8 inch-wide Striped Organdy Ribbon – Marina Mist 30 inches
MelonMamboRibbon 3/8 inch-wide Striped Organdy Ribbon – Melon Mambo 30 inches
OldOliveRibbon 3/8 inch-wide Striped Organdy Ribbon – Old Olive 30 inches
Ribbon Share Total $26.95

Paper Share

 Image Product Name Share Quantity
PoetryPrint Poetry Print Paper Pack 1 Sheet of Each (12 Designs)
TeaforTwo Tea for Two 2 6-inch by 6-inch Squares of Each (6 Designs)
MoreAmore More Amore 2 6-inch by 6-inch Squares of Each (6 Designs)
ParkerPaper Parker 2 6-inch by 6-inch Squares of Each (6 Designs)
SprinklePaper Sunshine & Sprinkles 2 6-inch by 6-inch Squares of Each (6 Designs)
Paper Share Total $15.45

Embellishment Share

 Image Product Name Share Quantity
Trinkets Tea Time Trinkets 5 charms
Doilie Paper Doilies 6 doilies
CrepeFilter Creped Filter Paper 1 rectangle & 2 circles
XLgJewel Large Jewel Rhinestones 10
BuilderBrad Designer Builder Brads 4
SilverButton Silver Basic Designer Buttons 2 of each 2 sizes
Canvas Canvas Creations 6-inch by 6-inch square
SodaPop Soda Pop Tops 2 of each 2 sizes
HungUpClips Cute Clips – Hung Up 2 of each 3 sizes
ElementClips Cute Clips – Elements 2 of each 3 sizes
Embellishment Share Total $19.25