Dear Mom,

Now that your mind is less cloudy I want you to know how much I love you. I want you to know that you were right about so many things – dating, marriage, raising kids, picking your battles, staying true to yourself. I want you to know that I miss you today and I’ll miss you every tomorrow.

You taught me how to be a good daughter, a loyal friend, a loving wife and a strong mother.  Most importantly, you taught me how to be a world class shopper and I have done my best to pass that onto Taryn.  Some may think my love of watching sports comes from Dad, but we all know you were the one who taught us to yell loudly at the TV if you wanted the coach to hear you.   Both Taryn and Jay have mastered that as well.

We have already said goodbye to the twinkle in your eye, the long talks and your signature laugh.  We have said goodbye to being able to pick up the phone just to know “mom is there”.  We’ve said goodbye to going to the movies, shopping as only Tichnor women can, holiday dinners, and fall visits with Maga.

This goodbye is bittersweet.  We have said for a long time that you would never want to live as you have these past few years. We have watched this cruel disease rob you of your memories, your mind and finally your body.  I am glad that you are free of the burden of this disease.  I believe that you are completely aware again, pain free, and watching over all of us.

Soon we will all raise a glass to a life well lived and the beautiful legacies you left behind. We promise to take good care of Dad. Certainly not as good as you did, but we will do our best.

We are all pretty tired of goodbyes. So for now, how about “Be well, and thanks for watching over all of us”.

Love You,
