I have so much to share with you that I like to "spread the wealth".  You can find lots of useful information here, but you can find even more by signing up for my email list.  I send out an email about once a week.  They are all different in length and purpose.  Generally, you can expect:

  • Monthly Newsletter Email
  • Monthly Samples Email
  • Monthly Upcoming Events and Online Stamping Classes
  • Monthly "Thanks for Being on My List"

The last one is my favorite to put together.  Just like a post on my blog – it will include a sample project, instructions on how to make it or maybe a video.  BUT – I only put it out on my email list.

If you haven't joined yet you can fill out the blue box next to the top post and you'll be almost set.  I ask that you confirm your request through the first email you receive.  After that you will receive all my monthly email communications.  Give it a try!