summer smooches loving thoughtsMemorial Day is a somber occasion.  It may be a day filled with picnics and celebrating the return of summer, but the day itself is set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can go on and celebrate. 

I posted this card on September 11 last year.  Here in the northeast it just struck me how similar the tragic September 11, 2001 was compared to 2012.  It was again a Tuesday, the skies were clear and the sun was shining. 

Some of the items in this card are retiring (Summer Smooches DSP and the Island Indigo Brad).  The phrases set Loving Thoughts lives on to the next catalog. 

I hope today you will thoroughly enjoy the extra time you are given with friends and family.  I also hope that, if only for a brief moment, you pause to give thanks to those we truly remember on Memorial Day.



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