Don't forget about the New Catalog! You can order from it on Friday at 2pm EST. It will appear in my Stampin' Up! Store at that time. Until then I can't show you the cover, but will continue to share samples in the coming days.
You can receive the new catalog from me for FREE if you ordered from me in during the last annual catalog OR you fill out this simple form and we have a quick phone converstaion.
I'm also hosting a fun-filled New Catalog Kickoff on Thursday, June 13 at my home in Trumbull, CT (06611). Be sure to register for this event by June 8 so that you can get your special gift. I will be collecting $5 at the door, but if you RSVP by the 8th – you will get a NEW accessory worth at least $5 during the Kickoff.
Have a great day!
p.s. My daughter and I are travelling back from Tuscaloosa, AL today where she is officially registered as an incoming freshman to the University of Alabama for the fall. Our next trip down will be in early August to drop her off for the fall semester. Just 10 weeks and 2 days to go – oh my!
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