How to Make Easy Folded Paper Cards

In this video you'll learn How to Make Easy Folded Paper Cards that you can create in a hurry when the need arises.  We all find ourselves in need of a quick card – a birthday you forgot, a sudden need to tell a friend or loved one you are thinking of them.  In this video you'll see how you can use a single sheet of paper and a large punch to make an adorable card in minutes.

My friends and family always marvel at how late my cards arrive.  I make them everyday, but sending them is still a skill I haven't mastered.  My goal right now is to finish the year strong and get my Christmas cards done without a rush at the end of the year.  Can you relate?

Follow along as I show you how to quickly use this layout for any card.  I walk through putting it together in detail and then show you two other options.

make a quick paper folded card for thanksgiving
make a quick paper folded card for halloween
make a quick paper folded card for christmas

If you're viewing this post in an email you'll need to click this link to play the video from my blog.

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